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蔡军 Jun CAI

作者:       发布: 2019-01-11      来源:




蔡军      Jun CAI



籍  贯


职  称


学  历


电  话


办 公 室


系  别


职  务




传  真





2000/09 2004/09,北京航空航天大学,机械工程及自动化学院,机械制造及其自动化专业,博士

1997/09 2000/03,天津纺织工学院(现天津工业大学),机械工程系,机械制造及其自动化专业,硕士

n   1993/09 1997/07,天津纺织工学院(现天津工业大学),机械工程系,机械设计专业,本科 


2014/01 - 至今 北京航空航天大学,机械工程及自动化学院 研究生教学副院长

2012/12 - 2013/12,美国波士顿大学,工程学院机械工程系,国家公派访问学者


n   2004/112007/12,通用电气(中国)全球研发中心,先进制造技术实验室,研发高级工程师 














n   2004年,获得通用电气基金会“爱迪生杯”技术创新竞赛全国一等奖。 


本科生课:【1】先进加工技术及装备(48学时, 主讲先进加工技术部分,秋季);【2】科技论文写作引论(16学时,春季);




教学方面:2009年“跨学科研究生培养模式研究”获得北京市教学成果二等奖(本人排名第二)。 2010年获得西飞奖教金二等奖;2010-2013年连续三年获得年度机械学院 “本科生教学工作先进个人”、“研究生教学工作先进个人”等奖励。协助指导博士研究生6名,其中四人获得北京航空航天大学博士研究生创新基金2011年:张文强、王瑜;2012年:兰明明;2013年:许勇刚),两人获得北京航空航天大学研究生十佳2011年:王瑜,2012年:兰明明),两人获得教育部博士研究生学术新人奖 2012年:王瑜,2013年:潘骏峰)。



1)         Aobo Li, Jun  Cai*, Junfeng Pan, Yu Wang, Yue Yue, Deyuan  Zhang, Multi-layer hierarchical array fabricated with diatom frustules  for highly sensitive bio-detection applications, Journal of  Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2014, 24, 2, 025014 

2)         Pan Junfeng, Wang Yu, Cai  Jun*, et al. Bonding of diatom frustules and Si substrates assisted by  hydrofluoric acid. New J. Chem., 2014, 38,pp 206--212 

3)         Jun Cai*, Mingli Chen*, Yu  Wang, Junfeng Pan, Aobo Li, Deyuan Zhang. Culture and Motion Analysis of  Diatom Bacillaria paradoxa on a Microfluidic Platform. Current Microbiology,  67(6), pp 652-6582013/11 

4)         Yonggang Xu, Liming Yuan,  Jun Cai, Deyuan Zhang*. Smart absorbing property of composites with MWCNTs  and carbonyl iron as the filler. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,  343, pp239-244, 2013/10 

5)         Xu Yonggang, Yuan Liming,  Cai Jun, et al. Effects of particle sizes on the electromagnetic property of  flaky FeSi composites. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 26(4), pp  366-372, 2013/8 

6)         Zhang Wenqiang, Zhang  Deyuan, *Jun Cai. Microwave characteristics of low density flaky magnetic  particles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 332(2), pp 15-20,  2013/4.  

7)         Lan Mingming, *Cai Jun, Yuan  Liming, Xu Yonggang, *Zhang Deyuan. Fabrication and electromagnetic  properties of soft-core functional particles by way of electroless Ni-Fe-P  alloy plating on helical microorganism cells. Surface and Coatings  Technology, 216(2), pp 152-157, 2013/2.  

8)         Xu, Yonggang, Zhang, Deyuan,  *Cai, Jun, et al. Microwave absorbing property of silicone rubber composites  with added carbonyl iron particles and graphite platelet. Journal of  Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 327, pp 82-86, 2013/2.  

9)         Cai, Jun*, Lan, Mingming,  Zhang, Deyuan, Zhang, Wenqiang. Electrical resistivity and dielectric  properties of helical microorganism cells coated with silver by electroless  platingApplied Surface Science, 258(22), pp  8769-8774, 2012/9. 

10)     Zhang DeYuan*, Wang Yu, Cai Jun, Pan  JunFeng, Jiang XingGang, Jiang YongGang. Bio-manufacturing technology based  on diatom micro- and nanostructure. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(30), pp  3836-3849, 2012/10.  

11)     Yuan Liming, *Cai Jun, Zhang Wenqiang,  Lian Zhiyang, Zhang Deyuan. Fabrication of porous flaky electromagnetic  particles by electroless plating of CoNiP on diatomite. Applied Surface  Science, 258(24), pp 9680-9684, 2012/10. 

12)     Zhang WenQiang, Xu Yonggang, Yuan Liming,  Cai Jun, *Zhang Deyuan. Microwave Absorption and Shielding Property of  Composites with FeSiAl and Carbonous Materials as Filler. Journal of  Materials Science & Technology, 28(10), pp 913-919, 2012/1.  

13)     Zhang Deyuan*, Lan Mingming, Cai Jun.  Flake-like Diatomite Coated with Silver by Electroless Plating and Its  Dielectric Properties. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 41(9), pp  1676-1679, 2012/9.  

14)     Wang Yu, *Zhang Deyuan, Cai Jun, Pan  Junfeng, Chen Mingli, Li Aobo, Jiang Yonggang Biosilica  structures obtained from Nitzschia, Ditylum, Skeletonema, and Coscinodiscus  diatom by a filtration-aided acid cleaning method Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 95(5), pp  1165-1178, 2012/9.  

15)     Wang Yu, *Zhang Deyuan, Pan Junfeng, Cai  Jun. Key factors influencing the optical detection of biomolecules by their  evaporative assembly on diatom frustules. Journal of Materials Science,  47(17), pp 6315-6325, 2012/9.  

16)     Zhang WenQiang, Cai Jun*, Zhang DeYuan.  Preparation and properties of ferrite derived from iron oxidizing bacteria.  Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(19), pp 2470-2474, 2012/7.  

17)     Wang Yu, Pan Junfeng, Cai Jun, *Zhang  Deyuan. Floating assembly of diatom Coscinodiscus sp microshellsBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,  420(1), pp 1-5, 2012/3. 

18)     Zhang Deyuan, *Pan Junfeng, *Cai Jun,  Wang Yu, Jiang Yonggang, Jiang Xinggang. Hydrofluoric acid-assisted bonding  of diatoms with SiO2-based substrates for microsystem application. Journal of  Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(3), 2012/3.  

19)     Xu Yonggang*, Zhang Deyuan, Cai Jun, Yuan  Liming, Zhang Wenqiang. Effects of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes on the  Electromagnetic Absorbing Characteristics of Composites Filled with Carbonyl  Iron Particles. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 28(1), pp  34-40, 2012/1.  

20)     Wang Yu, Pan Junfeng, Cai Jun, Li Aobo,  Chen Mingli, *Zhang Deyuan. Assembling and Patterning of Diatom Frustules  onto PDMS Substrates Using Photoassisted Chemical Bonding. Chemistry Letters,  40(12), pp1354-1356, 2011/12/5.  

21)     Lan, Mingming*, Zhang, Deyuan, Cai, Jun,  Zhang, Wenqiang, Yuan, Liming. Fabrication and electromagnetic properties of  bio-based helical soft-core particles by way of Ni-Fe alloy electroplating.  Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 323(24), pp 3223-3228,  2011/7/12. 

22)     Jiang, Yonggang*, Fujita, Takayuki,  Uehara, Minoru, Zhang, Deyuan, Cai, Jun, Higuchi, Kohei, Maenaka,Kazusuke.  Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Cantilevered Nd2Fe14B/Ta  Magnetic MicrostructuresApplied Physics  Express, 4(11), 2011/11. 

23)     Zhang, Deyuan, Wang, Yu*, Zhang,  Wenqiang, Pan, Junfeng, *Cai, Jun. Enlargement of diatom frustules pores by  hydrofluoric acid etching at room temperature. Journal of Materials Science,  46(17), pp5665-5671, 2011/9. 

24)     Cai Jun*, Zhang DeYuan, Lan MingMing,  Lian ZhiYang. Research on magnetic metallization of microorganism cells using  electroplating technique. Science in China - Series E: Technological  Sciences, 54(6),pp 1525-1531, 2011/6.  

Zhang DeYuan, Zhang WenQiang*, Cai Jun.  Magnetization of microorganism cells by thermal decomposition method. Science  in China - Series E: Technological Sciences, 54(5), pp1275-1280, 2011/5.


n   国际仿生工程学会发起会员(ISBE会员号:FM008 

n   美国机械工程学会会员(ASME会员号:100423736 

n   美国化学协会会员(ACS会员号:30262975 

n   中国机械工程学会高级会员(证书:No. 01062027 

n   十余个国际学术期刊的审稿人。 




Jun CAI, Ph. D. Prof.


Bionic and Micro/Nano/Bio ManufacturingTechnology Research Center

School of Mechanical Engineering andAutomation

Beihang University                                          Work:(8610)8231-3931

P.O.Box 705, No. 37 Xueyuan Road,                              Fax:(8610)8231-6603

Haidian District, Beijing, China 100191                       Email:jun_cai@buaa.edu.cn


wBionic Micro/Nano fabricationwMultiscalefabrication wBio-inspired structure/materials


2008-      AssociateProfessor, Professor, Ph.D Supervisor2014-Beihang University

School ofMechanical Engineering and Automation

Research Focus:To reseach and develop the bionic-fabrication process technique ofmicro/nano/multi-scale particles/ structures/parts utilizing the bio-prototypeas templates, such as to deposite functional coatings onto the inner/outersurface of microorganim cells with different stand shapes to fabricate micro electricalconductive particles or magnetic particles with different film-depositiontechnique (electroless deposition/ electroplating/ thermal decomposition/Sol-gelmethod, et al); to manipulate and bond the diverse diatom frustules onto thewafer/glass substrate to fabricate microfluidic chips and sensors, to fabricatebio-inspired multi-scale fucntional structures or composites. And to explorethe potential engineering applications of such techniques.

2012-2013 Visiting Scholar, Boston University

College ofEnginerring

Research Focus:Micro/Nano fabrication based on diatom frustules, self-assembly of diatomfrustules, nano particle array fabricated with diatom patterns for SERSapplication.

2004-2007  LeadEngineer, GE Global Research Center (Shanghai Site, China)

         Manufacturing Processes Lab

Main responsibilities:Design, modelling, and manufacture of fuel cell structures and cell stacks, tobuild hardware and platform to facilitate cell production and other projects;To design and build the Electrochemical discharging machining (ECDM) system andoptimize the machining process for difficult-to-machine materials.


2000-2004  BeihangUniversity (BUAA)

Ph. D. in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation

Major Field: Mico/Nano/BioManufacturing

Advisor: Prof.Deyuan Zhang

Thesis:Fundamental study of Bio-limited Forming Technology based on Microorganisms. (AwardedTop100 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations in Year 2007)

1997-2000  TianjinPolytechnic University

M. S. in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation

Major Field: LaserMicro-precision Treatment

Advisor: Prof.Ziguang Lin

Thesis: The Effectof Laser Micro precision Treatment on the Anti-wear Performance of MetalSurfaces under high-load.

1993-1997  TianjinPolytechnic University

Majored inMechanical Design and Manufacturing


2013     OutstandingYouth Foundation of Natural Science Foundation of China

2011     New CenturyExcellent Talents in University (High-level Creative Talent Development

Project of theMinistry of Education).

2011     Advanced Collective Education Pioneer from BeijingMunicipal Government

(Placed 2 of 5in the name list)

2007     Top100 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of PR China

(No.1position, only 2 winners in Mechanical Engineering field every year)

2004    First Place Award of GE Foundation Edison Cup

(The Institute of International Education and the ChinaScholarship Council)

1993-2004 Series ofBest Student Awards and Scholarships awarded during the studying period.


l  AdvancedMachining Technology (Core undergraduate class);

l  Introductionto ME(Selective undergraduate class, in English);

l  Introduction onScientific Paper Writing (Graduate class)

l Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology (Graduateclass, Selective, co-instructor)


(* correspondingauthor)

1.       Li, X. H.; Cai, J.*; Shi, Y. Y.; Yue, Y.; Zhang, D. Y.,Remarkable Conductive Anisotropy of Metallic Microcoil/PDMS Composites Made byElectric Field Induced Alignment. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017,9 (2), 1593-1601.

2.       Wang, Y. Y.; Zhang, D. Y.; Cai, J.*, Fabrication andcharacterization of flaky core-shell particles by magnetron sputtering silveronto diatomite. Applied Surface Science 2016, 363, 122-127.

3.       Li, X. H.; Cai, J*.; Sun, L. L.; Yue, Y.; Zhang, D. Y.,Manipulation and assembly behavior of Spirulina-templated microcoils in theelectric field. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (80).

4.       Cai J, WWang, X., Li, A., Anderson, S. W., & Zhang, X.* Biologicallyenabled micro- and nanostencil lithography using diatoms[J]. Extreme MechanicsLetters, 2015, 4:186–192.

5.       Yan, Z. Q.; Cai, J.; Xu, Y. G.; Zhang, D. Y., Microwaveabsorption property of the diatomite coated by Fe-CoNiP films. Applied SurfaceScience 2015, 346, 77-83.

6.       Jiang, Y. G.; Fu, J. C.; Pan, J. F.; An, Z. L.; Cai, J.;Zhang, D. Y., Biopattern transfer using diatom frustules for fabrication offunctional micro/nanostructures. Journal of Micro-Nanolithography Mems andMoems 2015, 14 (1).

7.       Cheng, Y.; Xu, Y. G.; Cai, J.; Yuan, L. M.; Zhang, D. Y.,Effect of the bio-absorbent on the microwave absorption property of the flakyCIPs/rubber absorbers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2015, 389,106-112.

8.       Aobo Li, Jun Cai*, Junfeng Pan, Yu Wang, Yue Yue, DeyuanZhang, Multi-layer hierarchical array fabricated with diatom frustules forhighly sensitive bio-detection applications, Journal of Micromechanics andMicroengineering, 2014, 24, 2, 025014

9.       Pan Junfeng, Wang Yu, Cai Jun*, et al. Bonding of diatomfrustules and Si substrates assisted by hydrofluoric acid. New J. Chem., 2014,38, pp 206--212

10.   Lan, M. M.; Zhang, D. Y.; Cai, J.; Hu, Y. Y.; Yuan, L. M.,Fabrication and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness ofpolymeric composites filled with silver-coated microorganism cells. AppliedSurface Science 2014, 307, 287-292.

11.   Lan, M. M.; Cai, J.; Zhang, D. Y.; Yuan, L. M.; Xu, Y. G.,Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness and mechanical property ofpolymer-matrix composites containing metallized conductive porous flake-shapeddiatomite. Composites Part B-Engineering 2014, 67, 132-137.

12.   Jun Cai*, Mingli Chen*, Yu Wang, JunfengPan, Aobo Li, Deyuan Zhang. Culture and Motion Analysis of Diatom Bacillariaparadoxa on a Microfluidic Platform. Current Microbiology, 67(6), pp 652-6582013/11

13.   Yonggang Xu, Liming Yuan, Jun Cai, Deyuan Zhang*. Smartabsorbing property of composites with MWCNTs and carbonyl iron as the filler.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 343, pp239-244, 2013/10

14.   Xu Yonggang, Yuan Liming, Cai Jun, et al. Effects of particlesizes on the electromagnetic property of flaky FeSi composites. ActaMetallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 26(4), pp 366-372, 2013/8

15.   Zhang Wenqiang, Zhang Deyuan, Jun Cai*. Microwavecharacteristics of low density flaky magnetic particles. Journal of Magnetismand Magnetic Materials, 332(2), pp 15-20, 2013/4.

16.   Lan Mingming, Cai Jun*, Yuan Liming, Xu Yonggang, ZhangDeyuan*. Fabrication and electromagnetic properties of soft-core functionalparticles by way of electroless Ni-Fe-P alloy plating on helical microorganismcells. Surface and Coatings Technology, 216(2), pp 152-157, 2013/2.

17.   Xu, Yonggang, Zhang, Deyuan, Cai, Jun*, et al. Microwaveabsorbing property of silicone rubber composites with added carbonyl ironparticles and graphite platelet. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,327, pp 82-86, 2013/2.

18.   Jun Cai*, Mingming Lan, Deyuan Zhang,Wenqiang Zhang. Electrical resistivity and dielectric properties of helical microorganismcells coated with silver by electroless plating. Applied Surface Science. 2012,258 (22): 8769–8774

19.   Liming Yuan, Jun Cai*, Wenqiang Zhang, Zhiyang Lian, Deyuan Zhang. Fabrication of porousflaky electromagnetic particles by electroless plating of CoNiP on diatomite. AppliedSurface Science. Available online 22 June 2012

20.   Zhang WenQiang, Cai Jun*, Zhang DeYuan. Preparation and properties of ferrite derived fromiron oxidizing bacteria. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(19):2470-2474.

21.   Junfeng Pan, Jun Cai*, Deyuan Zhang, Yu Wang, Yonggang Jiang.Micro-arraying of nanostructured diatom microshells on glasssubstrate using ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and photolithography technologyfor fluorescence spectroscopy application. Physica E: Low-dimensionalSystems and Nanostructures. 2012, 44: 1585-1591.

22.   Deyuan Zhang, Junfeng Pan*, Jun Cai*, Yu Wang, Yonggang Jiang, Xinggang Jiang. Hydrofluoricacid-assisted bonding of diatoms with SiO2-based substrates formicrosystem application. Journal of Micromechanics andMicroengineering. 2012, 22: 035021.

23.   Zhang Deyuan*, Wang Yu*, Cai Jun, Pan JunFeng, Jiang Xinggang,Jiang Yonggang. Bio-manufacturing technology based on diatom micro- andnanostructure. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2012 (Review article, inpress)

24.   Yu Wang, Deyuan Zhang*, Jun Cai, Junfeng Pan, Mingli Chen,Aobo Li, Yonggang Jiang. Biosilica structures obtained from Nitzschia, Ditylum,Skeletonema, and Coscinodiscus diatom by a filtration-aided acidcleaning method. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4080-6(published online 17 April, 2012)

25.   Yonggang Xu*, Deyuan Zhang, Jun Cai, Liming Yuan and WenqiangZhang. Effects of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes on the Electromagnetic AbsorbingCharacteristics of Composites Filled with Carbonyl Iron Particles.Journal ofMaterials Science and Technology. 2012, 28(1), 34-40. 

26.   Yu Wang, Junfeng Pan, Jun Cai, Deyuan Zhang*. Floating assembly of diatomCoscinodiscus sp. microshells.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2012, 420(1): 1-5  

27.   Cai Jun*, Zhang DeYuan, Lan MingMing,Lian ZhiYang. Research on magnetic metallization of microorganism cells usingelectroplating technique. ScienceChina-Technological Sciences. 2011, 54(6): 1525-1531

28.   Yu Wang, Deyuan Zhang*, Junfeng Pan, Jun Cai.Key factors influencing the optical detection ofbiomolecules by their evaporative assembly on diatom frustules. Journal of Materials Science. 2012, 47:6315-6325

29.   Yu Wang, Junfeng Pan, Jun Cai, Aobo Li, Mingli Chen, Deyuan Zhang*,Assembling and patterning of diatomfrustules onto PDMS substrates using photo-assisted chemical bonding. Chemistry Letters. 2011, 40(12): 1354-1356

30.   Deyuan Zhang, Yu Wang*, Wenqiang Zhang, Junfeng Pan and Jun Cai.Enlargement of diatom frustules pores by hydrofluoric acid etching at roomtemperature. Journal of Materials Science. 2011, 46(17): 5665–5671.

31.   Deyuan Zhang, Yu Wang*, Junfeng Pan, Jun Cai. Separation ofdiatom valves and girdle bands from Coscinodiscus diatomite by settlingmethod. Journal of Materials science. 2010, 45: 5736-5741.

32.   Zhang Deyuan, Zhang Wenqiang, Cai Jun*. Fabrication andelectromagnetic properties of flake ferrite particles based on diatomite. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011, 323(17): 2305-2309

33.   Lan Mingming*, Zhang Deyuan, Cai Jun, Zhang Wenqiang, Yuan,Liming. Fabrication and electromagnetic properties of bio-based helicalsoft-core particles by way of Ni-Fe alloy electroplating. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011, 323(24): 3223-3228

34.   Jiang Yonggang*, Fujita Takayuki, Uehara Minoru, Zhang Deyuan, CaiJun, Higuchi Kohei, Maenaka Kazusuke. Characterization of MechanicalProperties of Cantilevered Nd(2)Fe(14)B/Ta Magnetic Microstructures. Applied Physics Express. 2011, 4(11): 116401

35.   Zhang DeYuan, Zhang WenQiang, Cai Jun. Magnetization ofmicroorganism cells by thermal decomposition method. ScienceChina-Technological Sciences. 2011, 54(5): 1275-1280

36.   Zhang Deyuan, Cai Jun, Li Xiang, Jiang Xinggang, Han Xin, ChenBo.  Bioforming methods of bionic manufacturing. Journal of MechanicalEngineering, 2010, 46(5): 88-92

37.   Xiang Li, Jun Cai and Deyuan Zhang. Study on theManufacturing Method of the Biomimetic Drag Reducing Morphology ReplicationMold. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, 97-101: 2533-2537.

38.   Jun Cai*, Yaqin Li, and Deyuan Zhang.Artificial dielectric properties of microscopic metallized rodlike bacteriacells in composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 2004, 95(12): 8097-8100

39.   Li Xiangfeng*, Li Yaqin, Cai Jun, Zhang Deyuan, Metallizationof bacteria cells, Science in China (Series E), 2003, 46 (2): 161-167

40.   Cai Jun*, Li Yaqin, Li Xiangfeng &Zhang Deyuan. Research on magnetic metallization of bacterial cells, ChineseScience Bulletin, 2003, 48(2):210-214

41.   Jun Cai*, Yaqin Li, Xiangfeng Li andDeyuan Zhang. Behavior of micro magnetic particles in an opposed-polesorientation magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2002, 2461-2:36-39

42.   Papers in Chinese: 6 pieces, not shown.



(PRC Patents)

1.       Jun Cai, Yu Wang, Deyuan Zhang, JunfengPan, Aobo Li. Assembling and patterning method of diatom frustules onto PDMS substrates,PRC Patent, CN 201110326629. 1, 2011.10.25.

2.       Deyuan Zhang, Wenqiang Zhang, Jun Cai. Method of fabricationof electromagnetic wave absobing partiles based on microorganism template. PRCPatent, CN102070201A, 2011.05.25

3.       Deyuan Zhang, Mingming Lan, Jun Cai. A Method of depositionof magnetic coating onto the microorganism’s surface with electroplatingtechnique and device thereof . PRC Patent, CN102021622A, 2011.04.20

4.       Deyuan Zhang, Jun Cai, Junfeng Pan, Yu Wang, Hot melt adhesiveaided diatom patterning method for biochipfabrication. PRC Patent, CN 101915851 A, 2010.12.15.

5.       Deyuan Zhang, Jun Cai, Yu Wang, Junfeng Pan, Zhiyang Lian. Methodfor separating and extracting shell pieces and clitellum from kieselguhr ordiatoms. PRC Patent, CN 101792145 A, 2010.08.04.

6.      Deyuan Zhang, Jun Cai, Junfeng Pan, YuWang, Wen Li. Bonding method of diatom shell orkieselguhr and glass. PRC Patent, CN 101786799 A, 2010.7.28. 

7.       Deyuan Zhang, Zhiyang Lian, Jun Cai, Wenqiang Zhang, LimingYuan. Method for fabrication of electromagnetic wave absobing partiles based ondiatomite template. PRC Patent, CN101597473, 2009.12.09.

8.       Deyuan Zhang, Yaqin Li, Jun Cai, Xiangfeng Li. New hollowmetallic particles made from microorganism cells, and method of making thesame. Chinese Patent of Invention, ZL02130836.5. Granted Date: Jan. 2006.

9.       Yang Hai, Wei Chang, Huang Qunjian, Liu Jinghua, Xiong Rihua, CaiJun, Wang Shengxian. Fuel cell apparatus and associated method. UnitedStates Patent 7,638,216. December 29, 2009

(US Patents)

10.   Yimin Zhan, Renwei Yuan, Garth M. Nelson, Yuangfeng Luo, Jun Cai,Ugo Cantelli. Machining control system. US Patent Application 20100324720 A1,Dec. 23, 2010

11.   Renwei Yuan, Garth M. Nelson, Yuangfeng Luo, Roberto Ciappi, JunCai, Yimin Zhan, Ugo Cantelli, Massimo Arcioni. Electroerosion spindleassembly. US Patent Application 201003320078 A1, Dec. 23, 2010

12.   Cai Jun, Wei Chang, Huang Qunjian, LiuJinghua, Yang Hai, Wang Shengxian, Xiong Rihua, Shapiro Andrew Philip, Hart;Richard Louis. Rechargeable fuel cell system. United States Patent Application20080145737. June 19, 2008

13.   Wang Shengxian, Shapiro Andrew Philip, Cai Jun, Yang Hai,Xiong Rihua, Wei Chang, Zhang Bing, Huang Qunjian. Rechargeable fuel cell andmethod. United States Patent Application 20080145723. June 19, 2008

14.   Yang Hai, Cai Jun, Xiong Rihua, Wei Chang, Huang Qunjian, ShapiroAndrew Philip, Liu Jinghua, Wang Shengxian, Yu Xianguo. Fuel cell apparatus andassociated method. US Patent No. US 7985505. Jul 26, 2011

15.   Yang Hai, Cai Jun, Liu Jinghua, Wei Chang, Huang Qunjian, WangShengxian, Fu Qijia. Cylindrical structure fuel cell. United States PatentApplication 20070141440. June 21, 2007

16.   Yang Hai, Huang Qunjian, Wei Chang, Cai Jun, Liu Jinghua, WangShengxian, Fu Qijia. Rechargeable fuel cell with double cathode. United StatesPatent Application 20070141450. June 21, 2007

17.   Yang Hai, Wei Chang, Huang Qunjian, Liu Jinghua, Rihua Xiong, CaiJun, Wang Shengxian. Fuel cell apparatus and associated method. US PatentNo. US 7638216 B2, Dec. 29, 2009

18.   Wang Shengxian, Fu Qijia, Wei Chang, Cai Jun. Fuel cellclosed structure. United States Patent Application 20070141431. June 21, 2007

19.   Wang Shengxian, Yang Hai, Cai Jun, Shapiro Andrew Philip, WeiChang, Huang Qunjian. Third electrode frame structure and method relatedthereto. United States Patent Application 20070141432. June 21, 2007



2010.03-   International Societyof Bionic Engineering (ISBE), Founder Member: No.FM008

2010.11-   Chinese MechanicalEngineering Society (CMES), Senior member: No.01062027

2012.12-   American society ofmechanical engineering(ASME), member: No. 100423736

2012.06-  American Chemical Society, member #30262975